Founded in 2009, Yantai Shine Young Logistics Co., Ltd. Is headquartered in Yantai, Shandong. We specialize in international logistics, bonded logistics, bonded warehousing, trade agency, as well as software R&D and sales. Following the honest, positive, aggressive and optimistic management ideas, Shine Young makes reliable presence in the industry and gains sound reputation among our clients.
Being client-centered, we stick to a steady growth path, give priority to service quality and drive growth with innovation. By making constant adjustment to the services, we create greater value for our clients.
经过近半年的考察,越南海防仓库于2017年8月1日正式成立。海防仓库主要是利用与海防港毗邻的优势,为客户解决因... 5月11日,全国首列“南亚国际货运列车”在兰启程,10天后,这列满载着“中国制造”的货运列车,经过铁路、公路运输,将到达尼泊尔首都加德满都。这标志着兰州在“一带一路”建设中,在开... 欣阳货代系统SY-HD-1.0是一款专门针对中小型国际/国内货运代理企业、物流公司量身定制的综合版业务管理软件。在... 欣阳进销存管理系统是一款专门针对商贸企业量身定制的业务管理软件。欣阳进销存管理系统界面简洁优美,操作直观简单,... Access中国是中国最大最专业Access网站,拥有最多最全最专业access教程,access培训,ACC...